Windows 11 disable CPU Parking

If like me you want all cores available at all times, especially on a 13900HX and seeing parked on 25+ logical processors is annoying. Also every now and then when running multiple apps and bouncing around some heavy users like Adobe PS and Premier, I notice this ever so slight hang, milliseconds but it is there, like a quick instant stop to the mouse cursor. I might be imagining it but I can only put it the cores being required. I will update this after a few days with the parking off.

Option 1 did not work in real time for me, and so i just used option 2 changing the Registry key and rebooting.

Enter the command below to completely disable CPU parking:

powercfg -setacvalueindex scheme_current sub_processor bc5038f7-23e0-4960-96da-33abaf5935ec 100

After changing the power scheme settings for CPU Parking as desired, you then want to make the changes active by running the command:

powercfg -setactive scheme_current

You should not have to reboot for these changes to take effect. They are immediate!

WARNING:  Use Method 2 only if you are comfortable modifying the Windows Registry.  Mistakes mad in modifting the registry can result in an inoperable system.  Use at your own risk.

Method 2 – Modifying the Registry

  • Open Regedit
  • Find this key:- ” 0cc5b647-c1df-4637-891a-dec35c318583 “
  • Within this key, there is a value called: ” ValueMax “
  • This value represents the % number of cores the system will park – the default 100% ie: all Cores are potentially park-able
  • Change the value from 64 to 0 so the ” ValueMin ” and ” ValueMax ” are both zero
  • You will have to find the key a few times and repeat the process for each time it is found – the number of instances will depend on the number of power profiles in your system.